We have included some links to provide some more information on the Dark Sky Movement and Astronomy. Enjoy
We encourage you to visit (and join) the International Dark Sky Association,Darksky.org
Stellarium popular Astronomy Software Package (and its free) www.stellarium.org
Heavens above is another free resource. which we love. Its where to go if you want to know what is up there and when!! www.heavens-above.com
Thanks to Linda & Ava for this one : Backyard Astronomy
The Pale Blue Dot Carl Sagan : Perfection in perspective and prose
Ktec are our astronomy equipment suppliers we have no commercial links we just like the way they do business !! www.ktectelescopes.ie
Skellig Star party : Fun people and great Star party in the Kerry Reserve skelligstarparty.com
Mayo Hosts a very special Dark Sky Park visit them at Ballycroy National Park Https://www.facebook.com/mayodarkskies